The Total Guarantee
Total Mortgages Limited (TML) offers a guarantee to have an outcome on an application from at least one lender on your application within fifteen working days from the applicant/s submitting all of their documentation to TML.
An outcome may include, but is not limited to:
● Pre-Approved - Subject to Conditions
● Deferred - Further Information Required
● Declined - Unable to Proceed
The guarantee is fifteen working days (public holidays, weekends and shutdown periods are excluded). The first working day is the day after the applicant/s has submitted all supporting documents to TML.
TML will always do their best to meet the fifteen-day guarantee. However, the guarantee does not apply under the following circumstances;
● Where the applicant/s has less than 20% deposit.
● Where the applicant/s has failed to disclose inportant information in their application.
● Where the applicant/s has a third-party guarantee.
● Where the applicant/s are self-employed or have business income.
● Where the applicant/s has a previous credit history issue.
● Where the applicant/s are applying for construction funding.
● Where the applicant/s has more than three properties.
● Where the applicant/s has non-residential security.
● Where the funding is being applied for at a non-bank lender.
● Where three or more applicants are applying for funding.